Meet the Team
Dan McDonald
Dan is the Chief Executive Officer of Medway Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) and has been for the past 5 years, managing more than thirty staff and forty volunteers. He is also a Councillor on Medway Council. Prior to CAB Dan worked as a Special Adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott MP for many years, working on housing and regeneration projects and tackling health inequalities in diverse communities across the country.Early in his career Dan trained and worked as a Charge Nurse at Guy's and Kings College Hospitals in London. Dan is Chairman of the Board of Trustees at both Medway (Hands) Volunteer Centre and Relate Medway and North Kent. He is also a board member of a Registered Social Landlord, Golding Homes. In his spare time Dan has helped to set up Street Reps, a volunteering organisation which aims to improve the physical environment of local neighbourhoods and build community spirit.In the past Dan has also been a School Governor, a member of Medway Domestic Abuse Forum and a trustee of the National Young Advisor Programme.