Volunteer Centre Rochester
T:01634 380 030
E: mvcinfo@medwayadvice.org.uk

I Want to Volunteer

How to find out more about volunteer vacancies?

There are many ways to find information about volunteering and get involved. Many people will just contact local branches of organisations and ask if they can help. However, other people may be unsure what they want to do and if you are new to the area you probably don't know all the local organisations that use volunteers.

Do you have access to the internet?

Then access the national database of volunteer opportunities at www.doit.life/volunteer. This is an easy to use website. You can specify the kind of volunteer work you want to do and where you want to do it. The database will show you what is available and how to make contact.

If you are a young person (14 - 25) looking to volunteer you might like to check out the vinspired website.

Look our for posters and notices in libraries and community centres

Many organisations put up notices to advertise their volunteering vacancies especially for new projects or events. There are many local festivals, concerts, shows and events which rely on volunteers with a wide range of skills.

Remember; volunteering is just that! No-one will ask you to sign a contract or commit yourself to work or time that doesn’t suit you and you are free to stop volunteering if you wish to. On the other hand organisations will be very grateful for whatever help you are able to give. It is our community and we all contribute to it in whichever way we want.

T: 01634 380 030
E: info@medwayvc.org.uk
Registered charity no: 284288